UNIDO Representative in Iran visited SCSRT on Monday June 1st, as invited by the deputy secretary general of the council to investigate the mutual cooperation opportunities in the fields of science, research and technology.
As reported by the public relations office of the secretariat
of SCSRT, Mr. Alessandro Amadio, the Representative of UNIDO in Iran, paid a
visit to the secretariat of SCSRT for a meeting with the Council’s high ranking
Dr. Abooyee Ardakan, deputy secretary general of SCSRT, Mr.
Mostafa Kazemi, executive deputy of the secretariat and a number of senior
advisors of the secretariat attended the meeting and discussed potential
opportunities for mutual cooperation between Iranian organizations involved in
science, research and technology, with the UN or other international institutes
and organizations.
Dr. Abooyee started the meeting with a brief introduction of
SCSRT and its mission with regard to S&T policy making in Iran.
The deputy secretary general of SCSRT, explained about the
specialized commissions and committees of the council and said ”the secretariat
of SCSRT is responsible for two national mega projects, namely, establishing
and promoting special S&T zones and the national foresight plan in Iran
which are both being carried out simultaneously with the basic policy making
duties of the secretariat. Considering UNIDO’s experience in the mentioned
fields and its access to the international network of experts in the world, we
are interested to develop our relations with UNIDO like the other successful
IOs in the future.
Mr. Amadio, expressed his willingness to find common ground
for cooperation with the council and named a number of projects that are
currently accomplished by UNIDO and the other UN organizations in the country.
“UNIDO, as an organization with considerable technical expertise, is ready to collaborate
with the secretariat of SCSRT and its academic Research Center (NRISP)” said
Mr. Amadio.
Amadio welcomed the idea of cooperation between SCSRT as a
national policy making body in the fields of science, research and technology with
international organizations and added that his respective institute is ready
for mutual technical cooperation in the fields of establishing and promoting
special S&T zones, technology transfer, foresight and supporting and
promoting international opportunities for commercializing knowledge based
products in Iran. ”We have extensive collaborations with Iran in industrial
fields such as petrochemical products and cement production… also the UNIDO has
comprehensive programs for trade capacity building, waste management and energy
management in Iran.” said Mr. Amadio
At the
end of the meeting both parties expressed their interest in mutual
collaborations and discussed the possible forms of collaborations such as international
training workshops and courses.